Continuum Organization (ECO) offers many opportunities for online
professional development and support of STEAM including mathematics
mastery learning in the classroom. The instructional support uses Moodle
as Learning Management System (LMS) for writing tutorials and online
learning centers for students and teachers. ECO also includes Khan
Academy for teacher and student tutorials and
and Skype for face-to-face video conferencing and chat. All tools work
on smartphones and tablets as well as computers.
ECO learning session is integrated into teacher workshops so
participants will become familiar with the ECO Moodle environment
including building
their own areas for sharing with other teachers and activities for
students; reaching, Khan Academy, Skype; and other online
interactive math tools.
series of monthly classroom-based online learning activities are
provided for teachers with or without their students. These are based on
their face-to-face educational program and integrated
with their ongoing professional development during the school year. The
activities reinforce learning, and give teachers an opportunity to
practice new teaching and learning skills in their classrooms and share
the results with their peers. The online environment
provides a bridge between professional development and classroom
Notes for Chilean Moodle:
1) Easy email list serve, including security and moderation
and capability to see messages without logging on
to Google Groups or Facebook. That is, in one or two clicks, a teacher
can email everyone on the Chile GTTP list, if they so desire.
2) Store Chilean GHOU/GTTP Curriculum as a function age of student, subject, etc.
3) Calendar and activity announcement page. When will be
the next on-line teacher training event, for example?
4) Store teacher power-points for curriculum (above)
5) Store astronomy activities and videos of activities
6) Store/link to videos of workshops/teacher training,
dances, activities, etc.
7) Store and order student work and support collaborations
amongst students (Icollaboratory?)
8) Capability to give tests and upload exams/papers and store grades.
9) Badges for accomplishing good work! (If students achieve something, they can print out a badge!)
10) Student Blog
10) Teacher Blog